Family Lines Newsletter
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Your will be done
Family Lines is a quarterly publication of Little Sisters of the Assumption. This forum enables us to share our mission: "to bring together the least advantaged and the privilegedin a spirit of  family to inspire everyone to participate in creating a just society." Please send us your change of address and any comments/feedback you may have.LITTLE SISTERS OF THE ASSUMPTION214 EAST 30TH STREETNEW YORK, NY. 10016TEL 212-889-4310   FAX 212-889-7358E-MAIL:  LITTLESRS@AOL.COMhttp://www.littlesisters.orgMission Coordinator: Sister Janet McCann, LSADevelopment Director, Editor: Henryk J. BehnkeVolunteer Coordinator: Curtis SpindlerWriters: Trish Gough, Sister Annette Allain, LSAPhotos: LITTLE SISTERS and Darcy FitchkoLITTLE SISTERS OF THE ASSUMPTION believe in the dignity and integrity of all people,regardless of Race, Creed, National Origin, Age, Color, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Disabilityor Marital Status.

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