MutualityIn Action
Family Lines is a quarterly publication of Little Sisters of the Assumption. This forum enables us to share our mission: "to bring together the least advantaged and the privilegedin a spirit of  family to inspire everyone to participate in creating a just society." Please send us your change of address and any comments/feedback you may have.LITTLE SISTERS OF THE ASSUMPTION214 EAST 30TH STREETNEW YORK, NY. 10016TEL 212-889-4310   FAX 212-889-7358E-MAIL:  LITTLESRS@AOL.COMhttp://www.littlesisters.orgDevelopment Director: Sr. Adell Harvey, LSAEditor: Sr. Annette Allain, LSAVolunteer Coordinator: Curtis SpindlerStaff Writer: Trish GoughConsultant: Sr. Janet McCann, LSALITTLE SISTERS OF THE ASSUMPTION believe in the dignity and integrity of all people,regardless of Race, Creed, National Origin, Age, Color, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Disabilityor Marital Status.